ottobock. 106 Jahre Erfahrung

Otto­bock stands for inno­va­ti­ve pro­ducts, deve­lo­ped with the know­ledge of a suc­cess­ful hund­red-year com­pa­ny histo­ry. A glo­bal medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy com­pa­ny with holistic care has emer­ged from the spe­cia­list in prost­he­tics. Sin­ce 2018 we have been using our know-how, under the name Otto­bock SE & Co. KGaA, for per­ma­nent­ly healt­hy workplaces.

In 2019, we inves­ted 9 per­cent of our sales in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment. In order to impro­ve the lives of our users, we are con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping the com­pa­ny and the technology. 

More free­dom of move­ment and the pre­ven­ti­on of bad pos­tu­re have been made pos­si­ble by pro­ducts and tech­no­lo­gies from Otto­bock sin­ce 1919. While the mar­ket and the sup­ply of mass-pro­du­ced prost­he­sis com­pon­ents were revo­lu­tio­ni­zed when Otto­bock was foun­ded, the focus today is on high-tech pro­ducts. The Paexo exo­ske­le­ton fami­ly for ergo­no­mic work­pla­ces. Micro­pro­ces­sor-con­trol­led knee joints such as the C‑Leg — with con­trol via app — or the C‑Brace leg ortho­sis. Juvo power wheel­chairs or the mul­ti-arti­cu­la­ting hand bebionic.

As a glo­bal tech­no­lo­gy lea­der in “Weara­ble Human Bio­nics” — weara­ble human bio­nics, we stri­ve to crea­te a bet­ter qua­li­ty of life and replace or expand parts of the human body.

Ottobock products & services


Otto­bock has been pro­vi­ding peop­le with disa­bi­li­ties with new, bet­ter prosthe­ses time and again sin­ce it was foun­ded. That is why we are the tech­no­lo­gy and world mar­ket lea­der in exoprosthetics.


We sup­port the tre­at­ment of peop­le all over the world with ortho­tic aids. The­se relie­ve, sta­bi­li­ze or immo­bi­li­ze, like splints or ban­da­ges, or gui­de the lim­bs or the trunk. Our para­ly­sis ortho­ses, for examp­le, mobi­li­ze peop­le with par­ti­al para­ly­sis in their legs.

Mobility and participation

In this sub-area, our offer ran­ges from electric and manu­al wheel­chairs to reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on pro­ducts such as seat cushions or stan­ding aids. Star­ting from our wheel­chair pro­duc­tion cen­ter in König­see, Thu­rin­gia, we are ope­ning new pro­duc­tion loca­ti­ons around the world.

Patient care

Otto­bock ope­ra­tes more than 240 sup­ply cen­ters world­wi­de. Thanks to our ser­vice-ori­en­ted pati­ent care and ongo­ing pro­duc­tion impro­ve­ments in our ortho­pe­dic pro­duc­tion cen­ters, we are always clo­se to people.

Industrial applications

Otto­bock exo­ske­le­tons have been sup­por­ting working peop­le with hea­vy phy­si­cal acti­vi­ties sin­ce 2018. In this new mar­ket seg­ment we help peop­le to work sym­ptom-free, from vehi­cle manu­fac­tu­re to high-tech manufacture.

Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA

  • 2019 over € 1 bil­li­on in sales
  • glo­bal­ly more than 8,000 employees in over 50 countries
  • over 240 in-house pati­ent care centers
  • No. 1 in the glo­bal prost­he­tic market

Well-positioned family company

We draw the strength from our values to pas­sio­na­te­ly dri­ve inno­va­ti­on. Our more than 8,000 employees crea­ted a tur­no­ver of more than 1,000 mil­li­on euros in 2019 for Otto­bock SE & Co. KGaA.

The direct descen­dants of the foun­ding father Otto Bock own 100% of the Näder Hol­ding GmbH & Co. KG. This in turn holds 80% of Otto­bock SE & Co. KGaA. 

With the right investor for lasting success

EQT, Sweden’s pri­va­te equi­ty com­pa­ny, has owned 1/5 of Otto­bock SE & Co. KGaA sin­ce 2017. Sin­ce then, we have play­ed a lea­ding role in the digi­tiz­a­ti­on of ortho­pe­dic medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy world­wi­de. With EOT we design our well-foun­ded, lucra­ti­ve growth poten­ti­al in a tar­ge­ted and effec­ti­ve manner.

Ottobock - prostheses, orthoses, wheelchairs


Orthopedic technology


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